Our Deepest Appreciation goes out to the following organizations - 2017
Thank You Neighborly Bar, Jean Ronning, Diane Grosjean and the Purse Raffle Crew for donating over $15,000.00 to CHA from the 2017 Power of the Purse
Our Deepest Appreciation goes out
to the following individuals and organizations 2016
to the following individuals and organizations 2016
- Northland Lawn, Sport & Equipment for their generous donation of a John Deere Lawn Mower for Father's Day Raffle
- Mr. Gerald DePerry for his generous donation of a super nice LaserJet printer.
- Omer-Nelson Electric for their generous donation of our shop-vac.
- C&W Excavating for their generous donation of gravel.
- Matthew Eschke for his generous donation of truck and gas to haul the gravel to our site.
- The crew of Kramolis Concrete for their generous donation of time and muscle to unload the gravel by hand.
- A Special Thank You to Jewel at Superior Grooming for allowing us to use her grooming business as a drop off and pick up location for our Spay/Neuter Transports. Without their generosity we couldn't have made the transports a success!! Thank You!
Thank You to Ted Kramolis and his crew at Kramolis Concrete for shoveling snow off our kennel roof and bracing it so that the heavy snow doesn't collapse it.